
Blues Classes

Classes every Wednesday evening

Learn to dance blues! Blues dances are a family of dances originated in Afro-American communities at the beginning of the 20th century. Like the music, the dances are diverse and soulful.

Classes will be taught in English (German translation available).

Register here

Registrations are open. Please use the SportsNow link.


We offer weekly classes of blues every Wednesday evening. The basics of blues dancing are covered in the first Class and we then move on to some more challenging and playful variations in the second Class. See class descriptions for additional details.


19:40: Check-in
19:45 – 20:45: Class I – Blues Basics
20.45 – 21.45: Class II – Blues Challenge

Every Wednesday Evening

Classes Start again on 10.01.2024 after the Xmas break

SUMMER BREAK from July (last class on 26th June)

Class Description

We start each class with solo blues movements and warm-up exercises before moving to the topic of the day. During class, we encourage you to switch roles, especially in Blues Basics so you will experience and learn from both views.

Class I – Blues Basics: In this class, we will focus on the fundamentals of different kinds of blues dancing, from the basic steps, to various forms of connections (open, close and closed embrace) and simple moves. Whether you have never danced blues before, or you want to drill down on your basics, you are welcome to join!

Class II – Blues Challenge: In this class, we will focus on more challenging and playful moves and rythms, drilling down on specific blues idioms. Good knowledge of blues basic steps, rhytms, connection, stretch and compression is required. Are you up for the challenge?

If you do not know which class to choose, please reach out to us!

For the intermediate dancers, we recommend you to join both classes and keep working on building a strong foundation for the more challenging moves.


10 x Studio Class 60 min used within 3 months:
200 CHF regular / 170 CHF reduced*

Single Studio Class 60 min:
25 CHF regular / 20 CHF reduced*

*Reduced price (student, retired, international visitor, independent artist or other reasons)

Register here

Register directly on SportsNow or get in touch with us


Search for “Backstage Studio” on google maps. For more details, check this website