Parties Workshops

Join us for an amazing Bluesli workshop on October 19th

Two days bluesli workshop in Zürich 19th and 20th of October.

We are super excited to have Krystal and Adam back in Switzerland! Maybe some of you remember them when they thaught at Blossom Blues 2019?

Together they have been teaching swing and blues since 2009, but have been focusing on blues instruction since 2014. Krystal’s passion for the dance is apparent in her teaching style: upbeat, personal, encouraging, and energetic. Adam’s experience teaching math makes his style more analytical and minutiae-oriented. Together, they balance out as an effective partnership, keen to instruct any group, and their collective passion for the dance is evident!

They are passionate about teaching not only techniques of blues dance, but also in grounding that work in history. They start with the music and work from there in their lessons, but they also really enjoy digging deep on precise techniques. They love teaching Ballroomin’, but got a real passion for Southern Blues, so Struttin’ and Piedmont have a huge place in their hearts. Adam is from Mississippi originally, after all.

Check out some of their website or watch their videos bellow!

Workshops schedule

Saturday and Sunday 19th/20th October

12:45: Check-in
13:00 – 17:30: Blues classes


21:00 – 00:00 Friday night party with our resident and guest DJs

21:00 – 01:00 Saturday night party with live music TBA


Stay tuned for the registrations


All Parties and all Classes will be taking place at Ella’s Fellas Dance School, Militärstrasse 84, 8004 Zürich

 Interested in joining our weekly classes?

We organise weekly Blues Classes in Zürich