Parties Workshops

Join us for a two day Blues workshop with Albert & Melanie on June 14th and 15th

Two days Blüesli workshop in Zürich 14th and 15th June with live music on Saturday night!

We are super excited to have Albert and Melanie (Spain) for the first time in Switzerland!

Melanie & Albert met each other on 2007, and started dancing together ballroom and salsa before they found their true passion in with swing dancing!

They have been teaching classes together since 2014 and are now the owner of their own dance and pilates school MOV/MENT in La Garriga in Spain where they still teach regular classes. They even organize their own Blues dance festival “Low & Slow” for the 5th time in 2025!

Check out their website or watch them dancing just below!

About Albert:

Albert has been dancing since he was a child, and hasn’t stopped since. In 2013, he discovered blues dance and it soon became his main dance style. He has since then won several international competitions and has been teaching all across Europe.

Appart from sharing his passion for the dance with his students and friends, the most important thing in the world for him is to “ALWAYS BE DANCING!”

About Melanie:

She is an expert in all areas of movement and the human body. Her professional training in Pilates, Gyrotonic and many more movement practises give her a deep understanding of the different blockages in the body and she uses her ability to guide her students through transformative experiences during her classes.

Melanie is more than a movement expert. She is a talented dancer who has left her mark on the international Blues scene. Together with her dance partner, Albert Roca, she has conquered international competitions and is sharing her passion of movement and dance in Spain, accross Europe and beyond.

Workshop schedule

Saturday 14th June

10:45: Check-in
11:00 – 12:15: Blues classes
12:15 – 13:30: Lunch break
13:30 – 16:10: Blues classes (incl. breaks)
16:15 – 17:00: Guided practice (with Albert & Melanie)

20:30 – 01:00 Saturday night party with live music

Sunday 15th June

13:15: Check-in
13:30 – 17:30: Blues classes (incl. breaks)


All parties and all classes will be taking place at Ella’s Fellas Dance School, Militärstrasse 84, 8004 Zürich


Full Blüesli: 220 CHF regular / 180 reduced (Saturday & Sunday classes, Saturday party incl.)
Only one day Blüesli: 130 CHF regular / 110 CHF reduced (Saturday OR Sunday classes, Saturday party incl.)

If you register for only Saturday or only Sunday, you will be placed on a waiting list until close to the workshop, where we can decide if there is space for single-day registrations. Thank you for understanding.

Not enough blues?

Join our regular weekly classes!

You just want to party? All Swiss blues events can be found in the shared google Calendar